...for our friends within one week! Corinne and Brandon welcomed Reese Amelia Sunday evening and she is precious. Congratulations guys!
Lisa got a big kick out of pushing the epidural release...Corinne looks happy because she is receiving the epidural release. It worked out well for both of them.
I swear Corinne didn't even break a sweat giving birth...I told her she looked like a fresh spring lily!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Baby #2...
Posted by Ryan, Stephanie & Cason at 11:31 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Bryson Lee Clarke
Bryson made his appearance yesterday...7 pounds, 10 ounces. He's adorable! Congratulations Ryan & Michelle!
Posted by Ryan, Stephanie & Cason at 4:22 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Growing up...
While I always look forward to Cason's next milestone, it's also bittersweet that he's growing up so fast. He puts a smile on our faces every day with his mischievousness and his humor. We are amazed at how smart he is and how he retains every little detail. When he wants me to explain something to him or he wants to relive a story of something that's happened he says, "Mommy, talk about it. Talk about it." We've found that it's easier to get him to obey us when we explain why we're asking him to do or not do something. He wanted to ride in the front seat on the way home with my mom and after asking him to get in his carseat a few times, she finally explained that if she let him sit in the front and she got into a wreck, the airbag would come out and hurt him. He immediately got up and sat in his carseat and the entire way home he wanted mom to "talk about it" (the airbag) over and over again. If I'm reading him a book and I'm not moving quickly enough for him (or get distracted by an episode of Modern Family for a second), he touches my cheek and says, "Talk about it!" He can be as sweet as he is rambunctious...typical two year old I guess. His hugs and kisses are few and far between, but when I get them, they melt my heart. When he knows I'm upset with him, he'll walk over to the refrigerator and pull off the Valentine Heart he made me, hand it to me, and say, "Happy holidays mommy." How can you be angry after that???
Looking for screws...
The finished room...

Posted by Ryan, Stephanie & Cason at 1:58 PM 2 comments